RULES FOR THE USE OF STAFF CARS, 1980 (FEDERAL GOVERNMENT) — They shall apply to the staff cars maintained by various Divisions including the staff cars maintained by the Cabinet Division in the Central Pool and, unless stated otherwise, to operational vehicles. They shall come into force at once. Staff Car means motor vehicle of any type maintained by Government. Pool Car means a staff car maintained by the Cabinet Division in the Central Pool. It is clarified that operational vehicles have been defined in 2(vii) of the Rules for the Use Staff Cars-1980. These rules are applicable in cases of all the vehicles maintained by Ministries / Divisions, Departments and Subordinate Offices unless stated otherwise. Rule 3(5) of the Rules for the Use of Staff Cars, 1980 lays down that no Division shall purchase a staff car (means a motor vehicle or any type) unless a NOC is obtained from the Cabinet Division. All the relevant rules of the Rules for the Use of Staff Cars – 1980 regarding repairs and maintenance, up-keep of vehicles their records etc are equally applicable in cases of operational vehicles.
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I’m trying to download the file but the downloading is not initiate plz resolve this
Please also upload Punjab Government Transport rules