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RECRUITMENT POLICY, 2022 FOR EDUCATORS (SCHOOL EDUCATION DEPARTMENT, GOVERNMENT OF THE PUNJAB) — One of the major objectives of the Government is to provide qualified teachers for the better education of students and also provide opportunities to unemployed qualified workforce. In this connection, School Education Department, Government of the Punjab is going to introduce this Recruitment Policy (herein after to be referred as the Policy) to recruit Educators on contract basis to improve quality of education and also to increase enrollment of school going children, their retention and to reduce dropouts. This Policy has repealed and replaced all the former Recruitment Policies issued by School Education Department, Govt, of the Punjab, Lahore. All vacancies left over in earlier recruitment policies shall be filled in under the Policy.

By |2023-07-19T04:38:03+00:00March 14th, 2023|Punjab|1 Comment

THE KHYBER PAKHTUNKHWA CIVIL SERVANTS PENSION RULES, 2021 — These rules shall come into force at once. Pension means a periodical payment, made by Government, in consideration of past service, rendered by a civil servant. Pensioner means a civil servant retired from service and receiving pension or a member of the family of a deceased civil servant in case of family pension. Commutation means the advance payment of 35% of gross pension to the pensioner for the specific period as specified under these rules, which shall be restorable when the paid amount is recovered. Family pension means a compassionate grant paid to the family at the rate of hundred percent (100%) of the pension.

By |2023-07-14T03:19:34+00:00October 4th, 2021|KPK|0 Comments

THE PUNJAB DELEGATION OF POWERS (RELAXATION OF AGE) RULES, 1961 — They shall apply in respect of all the services and posts under the Government of the Punjab except such services and posts as may be specified by Government by notification in the official gazette. They shall come into force at once. THE PUNJAB CIVIL SERVANTS RECRUITMENT (RELAXATION OF UPPER AGE LIMIT) RULES, 1976 — These Rules shall apply to the recruitment of all posts. These shall come into force at once.

By |2023-07-14T03:41:58+00:00August 30th, 2021|Punjab|3 Comments

NEW SIMPLIFIED PROCEDURE OF PROCESSING AND DISBURSEMENT OF PENSION THROUGH PENSION‐ROLL (PUNJAB GOVERNMENT) — The new system was initially restricted to cases of Government servants retiring on superannuation and prescribed new formats for processing of pension case and disbursement of monthly pension through pension‐roll alone. After a smooth run of the new system in the roll out districts, it is now envisaged to extend the same to all kinds of pensions viz; Retiring Pension, Invalid Pension, and Family Pension.

By |2023-07-14T03:38:40+00:00April 4th, 2021|Punjab|0 Comments

THE PUNJAB CIVIL SERVANTS (DIRECTORY RETIREMENT FROM SERVICE) RULES, 2021 — These rules shall come into force at once. Competent authority means the Appointing Authority in terms of Rules 6 of the Punjab Civil Servants (Appointment and Conditions of Service) Rules, 1974. Conduct unbecoming means the conduct, on the part of a civil servant, contrary to public interests or harms his standing or the standing of the civil service in the eyes of public or is contrary to any laws or rules or procedures or instructions and includes inefficiency on his part necessitating his directory retirement under the rules. A civil servant against whom an order for directory retirement is passed by the competent authority shall be eligible for pension or other retirement benefits as the competent authority may, in public interest, direct.

By |2023-07-14T03:34:26+00:00March 15th, 2021|Punjab|1 Comment

THE BALOCHISTAN CIVIL SERVANTS’ PROMOTION POLICY, 2012 — Promotion not only implies advancement to a higher post but also involves shouldering of higher responsibility and assumption of the charge of the higher post. No civil servant has a claim to ask for promotion as of right, and the giving or refusal of promotion is a matter which is within the exclusive discretionary domain of the executive authorities concerned in the matter.

By |2023-07-14T03:33:24+00:00March 1st, 2021|Balochistan|0 Comments

POSTING / TRANSFER POLICY OF THE PROVINCIAL GOVERNMENT (KPK) — All the postings / transfers shall be strictly in public interest and shall not be abused misused to victimize the Government servants. All Government servants are prohibited to exert political, Administrative or any other pressures upon the posting / transfer authorities for seeking posting / transfers of their choice and against the public interest. All contract Government employees, appointed against specific posts, cannot be posted against any other post. The normal tenure of posting shall be three years subject to the condition that for the officers / officials posted in unattractive areas, the tenure shall be two years and for hard areas the tenure shall be one year. The unattractive and hard areas will be notified by the Government.

By |2023-07-14T03:29:32+00:00December 9th, 2020|KPK|1 Comment