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SINDH GOVERNMENT RULES OF BUSINESS, 1986 — Notwithstanding the provisions made in these rules, where in terms of any provision of the Constitution any function is to be performed or any orders have to be issued by the Governor in his discretion, the department concerned shall submit the case to the Governor through Chief Minister in the form of a self-contained, concise and objective Summary titled as SUMMARY FOR THE GOVERNOR stating the relevant facts and points for decision prepared on the same lines as those prescribed in these rules for a summary for the Cabinet except that only one copy will be required which may not be printed. This procedure will not, however, be applicable where the case is initiated by the Governor himself and decided in consultation with the Chief Minister.

By |2023-07-19T05:44:20+00:00December 18th, 2017|Sindh|0 Comments

RE-EMPLOYMENT POLICY OF RETIRED GOVERNMENT SERVANTS / ARMY PERSONNEL (PUNJAB GOVERNMENT) — Section 13 (I) of the Punjab Civil Servants Act, 1974 provides that a retired person shall not be re-employed under the Government unless such re-employment is necessary in the public interest. No Department or Authority shall re-employ or move a summary to the Chief Minister for re-employment of a retired Government servant without placing the case before the Provincial Re-employment Board/Committee, as the case may be. Re-employment after the age of superannuation/retirement shall generally be discouraged and shall only be made in very exceptional circumstances.

By |2023-07-19T04:26:15+00:00December 16th, 2017|Punjab|0 Comments

PROFORMA PROMOTION POLICY (PUNJAB GOVERNMENT) — Proforma Promotion means predating of promotion of a civil servant with effect from the date of promotion of his junior for the purpose of payment of arrears and fixation of pay. It means that a civil servant who was entitled to be promoted from a particular date, but for no fault of his own, was wrongfully prevented from rendering service in the higher post, is entitled for Proforma Promotion and payment of arrears of pay / allowances and re-fixation of pay.

By |2023-07-19T04:27:26+00:00December 15th, 2017|Punjab|4 Comments

TRANSFER POLICY (PUNJAB GOVERNMENT) — The posting and transfers is an important personnel function. It is complementary to officer’s career-planning / management. It is only through a balance and correct adjustment of officers, according to experience and qualifications that a corps of competent and qualified civil servants is provided to the society. The policy of postings should be designed so as to ensure stability in the appointments to encourage professionalism by recognizing and promoting merit, while providing an all-round experience to the individual officers. In order to avoid stagnation in performance and ideas and to provide dynamic administration, repeated appointments to the same type of job need to be avoided unless in some special cases, specialization is desired. The transfer policy is to be guided foremost by the service of public interest and the individual‘s interest is to be integrated therewith as far as possible for ensuring greater harmony and efficiency. As a rule every civil servant shall be liable to serve anywhere within or outside the province in any post under the Government of Punjab or the Federal Government or any other provincial Government or a local authority or a corporation or a body set up or established by any such Government.

By |2023-07-19T04:28:49+00:00December 11th, 2017|Punjab|13 Comments

RECRUITMENT POLICY – 2022 (PUNJAB GOVERNMENT) — Recruitment is the process by means of which eligible candidates are identified, attracted and selected against vacant positions. Through this process the best candidates are chosen from the pool of qualified applicants. It is extremely important to select the right person for the right job because a bad choice can affect the outcome of overall official business. Hense, recruitment is deemed as a key strategic activity in the public sector. The pressing need for department is to develop capacities for merit-based recruitment. The right process reflects on the department’s capability in engaging the right talent, thus assisting in the meeting the long-term objective of good governance.

By |2023-07-19T04:31:56+00:00October 30th, 2017|Punjab|1 Comment

STUDY LEAVE RULES ALONGWITH EXTRACTS FROM CIVIL SERVICES RULES (PUNJAB) VOLUME-I, PART-I ABOUT HOSPITAL AND STUDY LEAVE (PUNJAB GOVERNMENT) — Study leave should not ordinarily be granted to government servants who have less than five years’ service. Such leave shall not be granted to government servants within three years of the date of superannuation or retirement. The period of study leave is upto four years and it is granted once in entire service to a government servant. Extraordinary Leave (EOL) can be granted in conjunction with study leave. A government servant admitted in the Ph.D course shall be allowed full pay during study leave. Study leave will be counted as service for promotion and pension but not for leave.

By |2023-07-19T05:32:15+00:00September 14th, 2017|Punjab|4 Comments

DEPARTMENTAL FINANCIAL RULES (PUNJAB GOVERNMENT) — PART I – RULES RELATING TO PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT – This part contains the financial and accounts procedure rules, other than those referred to in rule 1.2 below, which are special to the Public Works Department. They are supplementary to the general rules in Financial Handbook Nos. 1 and 2 which are also applicable to the Public Works Department unless there be something repugnant in the subject or context or except to the extent that they are modified by the rules in this part. PART II – RULES RELATING TO THE FOREST DEPARTMENT – This part contains the Financial and Accounts Procedure Rules (Other than those of the kind referred to in rule 1.2) which are special to the Forest Department. They are supplementary to the general rules in Financial Handbook Nos. 1 and 2 which are applicable to the Forest Department unless there be something repugnant in the subject or context or except to the extent that they are modified by the rules in this Part.

By |2023-07-18T03:42:38+00:00May 12th, 2017|Punjab|1 Comment

THE PUNJAB DELEGATION OF FINANCIAL POWERS RULES, 2016 (EFFECTIVE FROM THE 1st JULY, 2016), RE-APPROPRIATION OF FUNDS — They shall come into force at once. An expression used in the rules but not defined shall have the same meaning as assigned to it in the Punjab Financial Rules, Volume-I. The authorities, mentioned in third column of the Second Schedule, may exercise the powers conferred in second column of the Second Schedule to the extent as mentioned in fourth column of the Second Schedule. Government may, by notification, confer any financial power of an administrative department on any officer of the Government. Government may, by notification, confer the financial power of an officer of any category as mentioned in the First Schedule on any other officer of the Government and Government may, by notification, confer the special financial power mentioned in Part-II of the Second Schedule on any officer of the Government.

By |2025-03-10T07:14:47+00:00April 3rd, 2017|Punjab|0 Comments

THE PUNJAB CIVIL SERVANTS (APPOINTMENT & CONDITIONS OF SERVICE) RULES, 1974 —  Appointment to posts shall be made by promotion, transfer or initial recruitment, as may be prescribed by the Government in relation to the posts in a grade from time to time where as a result of retrenchment in, or re-organization of a Government Department / office or an Autonomous or Semi-Autonomous Organization set up by the Government, certain posts or cadres are abolished and Government decides, by a special order, to absorb persons rendered surplus in consequence thereof, such persons may be absorbed against such posts in such manner and on such terms and conditions as may be determined by the Government. The appointment shall be made from among such persons possessing such qualifications and fulfilling such other conditions as may be prescribed by the Government from time to time. Where an appointing authority other than the Chief Minister does not accept the recommendation of a committee or a board, it shall record reasons thereof and obtain orders of next higher authority and act accordingly.

By |2023-07-19T05:36:49+00:00February 23rd, 2017|Punjab|1 Comment