POLICY FOR DECLARING GOVERNMENT SERVANT AS SURPLUS AND THEIR SUBSEQUENT ABSORPTION / ADJUSTMENT — The Finance Department in consultation with Department concerned and with the approval of competent authority would decide with regard to the declaration of a particular organization, set up or individual post as redundant or inessential. There will be a surplus pools cell in the E&AD. By Muhammad Imtiaz|2023-07-17T04:16:13+00:00July 7th, 2020|KPK|0 Comments Read More
THE PUNJAB LOCAL FUND AUDIT DEPARTMENT SERVICE RULES, 1981 (WITH AMENDMENTS) — They shall come into force at once. The minimum qualifications, method of recruitment, age limit and other matters related thereto for the posts shall be as given in the Schedule annexed. The following Rules are hereby repealed:- (i) The West Pakistan Local Audit Department (Director & Assistant Director) Recruitment Rules, 1962 (ii) The West Pakistan Local Audit Department (Audit Officers) Recruitment Rules, 1962 (iii) The Punjab Local Fund Audit Department (Auditors) Service Rules, 1979 (iv) The West Pakistan Local Audit Department Ministerial Establishment Recruitment Rules, 1962 Amendments in the Punjab Local Fund Audit Department Service Rules, 1981, for the existing Schedule, the Schedule as appeared hereto shall be substituted notified by the Government of the Punjab Services & General Administration Department vide Notification Dated: 02nd July, 2008 By Muhammad Imtiaz|2023-07-17T04:18:54+00:00June 1st, 2020|Punjab|0 Comments Read More
THE PUNJAB CIVIL SERVANTS (TRANSFERRED FROM FEDERAL GOVERNMENT) SERVICE RULES, 2015 —They shall come into force at once. The Government may, by notification, appoint a person to a post under section 22-C of the Act. The seniority inter-se amongst the persons shall be maintained in the functional unit as it existed at the time of their transfer to the Government. The functional unit of a person shall be called as federal functional unit and shall be a dying cadre. The Government shall, in accordance with the relevant rules, contribute towards the pension, final payment of General Provident Fund and such like payments or benefits of the person as per the prevailing rules of the Government. A person appointed under these rules shall be entitled to get pensionary benefits as admissible to his counterparts in the Government under section 18 of the Act. By Muhammad Imtiaz|2023-07-17T04:21:34+00:00April 27th, 2020|Punjab|0 Comments Read More
THE BALOCHISTAN CIVIL SERVANTS’ DEPUTATION POLICY, 2012 — A civil servant is said to be on deputation when he is detached on special temporary duty for the performance of which there is no permanently or temporarily sanctioned appointment. The term “deputation” as defined by the Supreme Court of Pakistan vide PLD 1981 SC 531 means that a government servant begins to be regarded as a “deputationist” when he is appointed or transferred, through the process of selection, to a post in a department or service altogether different from the one to which he permanently belongs, he continues to be placed in this category so long as he holds the new post in an officiating or a temporary, capacity, but ceases to be regarded as such either on confirmation in the new post or on reversion to his substantive post. By Muhammad Imtiaz|2023-07-17T04:41:41+00:00April 10th, 2020|Balochistan|1 Comment Read More
THE BALOCHISTAN DELEGATION OF FINANCIAL POWERS AND RE- APPROPRIATION RULES, 2019 — They shall come into force at once and shall apply to all Administrative Departments, Attached Departments, Bodies, Authorities, Boards and Institutions of the Government of Balochistan established under an Act of the Assembly till such time such Authorities, Bodies etc. frame their own financial rules under the respective laws. Re-appropriation means transfer of savings from particular detailed object to meet additional expenditure anticipated under another detailed object within the same function and grant. By Muhammad Imtiaz|2023-07-19T05:02:24+00:00March 4th, 2020|Balochistan|0 Comments Read More
THE PUNJAB PROCUREMENT RULES, 2014 (AMENDED UP TO 31-12-2021) — They shall come into force at once. These rules shall apply to all public procurements made by all procuring agencies whether within or outside the Punjab. A procuring agency, while making any procurement, shall ensure that the procurement is made in a fair and transparent manner, the object of procurement brings value for money to the procuring agency and the procurement process is efficient and economical. A procuring agency shall, within one month from the commencement of a financial year, devise annual planning for all proposed procurements with the object of realistically determining the requirements of the procuring agency, within its available resources, delivery time or completion date and benefits that are likely to accrue to the procuring agency in future. By Muhammad Imtiaz|2024-10-22T07:13:53+00:00February 4th, 2020|Punjab|0 Comments Read More
WEST PAKISTAN BUILDINGS & ROADS, DEPARTMENT CODE WITH APPENDICES (APPLICABLE TO THE DEPARTMENTS OF BUILDINGS, ROAD, IRRIGATION COMMUNICATION CENTRAL PUBLIC WORKS, POSTS AND TELEGRAPHS IN THE PROVINCES OF PUNJAB, SINDH, N.W.F.P. & BALUCHISTAN UP-TO-DATE AMENDMENTS REVISED EDITION 1994 — The Administration of Buildings and Roads department covers the entire West Pakistan as per map forming the front-is-piece of this Code which shows its various Regions. The immediate control of operation is in the hands of the Governor of West Pakistan and this authority (hereinafter called the West Pakistan government or Governments) exercises full financial control over the affairs of the department. The Chief Engineer is the head of the department in his charge and is responsible for the efficient working of his department. He is also the responsible professional adviser of Government in all matters relating to his charge or on which his advice may be desired. He is also required to bring clearly and faithfully before Government all subjects reserved for its decision for that of the Central Government. By Muhammad Imtiaz|2023-07-17T04:50:51+00:00January 21st, 2020|Punjab|1 Comment Read More
THE KHYBER PAKHTUNKHWA CIVIL SERVANTS ACT, 1973 — This section and section 25, shall apply to persons employed on contract, or on work charged basis or who are paid from contingencies, and the remaining provisions of this Act including this section, shall apply to all civil servants wherever they may be. It shall come into force at once. Civil Servant‖ means a person who is member of a civil service of the Province, or who holds a civil post in connection with the affairs of the Province, but does not include a person who is on deputation to the Province from the Federation or any other Province or other authority, a person who is employed on contract, or on work-charged basis or who is paid from contingencies or a person who is worker or workman as defined in the Factories Act, 1934 (Act XXV of 1934), or the Workman’s Compensation Act, 1923 (Act VIII of 1923). By Muhammad Imtiaz|2023-07-18T03:45:00+00:00October 10th, 2019|KPK|0 Comments Read More
THE KHYBER PAKHTUNKHWA DELEGATION OF FINANCIAL POWERS RULES, 2018 — The Delegation of Financial Powers Rules serves as the cornerstone to govern public expenditure management. These rules are deemed instrumental in fostering fiscal discipline, prudent financial management and good governance. More powers surely warrant more responsibility and accountability of those who are delegated with these powers. The role of the Principal Accounting Officers is of paramount significance towards this end. These shall come into force at once and shall apply throughout the Government of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. Expressions used but not defined in these rules shall have the same meaning as assigned to them in the General Financial Rules. Administrative Department for the purpose of exercising powers under these rules, unless otherwise specified, shall mean the officers mentioned at serial #.1 of Part-I of the First Schedule to these rules. The nature and extent of powers delegated to officers of different categories in the First Schedule shall be as specified in the Second and Third Schedules to these rules. By Muhammad Imtiaz|2023-07-20T04:21:24+00:00August 26th, 2019|KPK|0 Comments Read More
THE SINDH DELEGATION OF FINANCIAL POWERS AND FINANCIAL CONTROL RULES – 2019 — These rules shall apply to all Provincial Government Departments and offices of Government of Sindh. They shall come into force at once. “First Schedule”, “Second Schedule” and “Third Schedule” mean, the First, the Second and Third Schedules appended to these rules, respectively. “Financial Control” means the public financial management as described in the Third Schedule. “Financial sanction” means sanction of expenditure for the purposes specified in column 2 of the Second Schedule of these rules by the authorities mentioned in column 3 and to the extent specified in column 4 thereof. In other cases, where financial sanction is beyond the powers of sanctioning authorities or where it is not delegated to any authority “Financial Sanction” means sanction of expenditure accorded by Administrative Department after concurrence by the Finance Department. By Muhammad Imtiaz|2021-01-28T04:59:10+00:00July 27th, 2019|Sindh|1 Comment Read More