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PENSION GUIDEBOOK — UPDATED UP TO JULY, 2024 (PREPARED BY CH. MUHAMMAD IMTIAZ, DEPUTY DIRECTOR AUDIT (RTD.), LOCAL FUND AUDIT, GOVERNMENT OF THE PUNJAB, FINANCE DEPARTMENT) AND CALCULATION OF GROSS PENSION, NET PENSION AND COMMUTATION — This booklet is the product of the questions that have been put to me over the years regarding pension and related matters. Score of employees belonging to different departments / organizations where service is pensionable as well as living in the territorial surroundings of my residence come to me and ask almost similar questions about pension / commutation / encashment in lieu of refused Leave Preparatory To Retirement (LPR) along with additional benefits admissible to an employee on retirement under the rules. In order to surmount these difficulties of the employees, I felt the need to prepare a comprehensive Guide Book containing the gist of pension rules incorporating the amendments issued by the Punjab Government from time to time, as well as additional benefits admissible to an employee on retirement or the widow / family of a deceased employee / pensioner in case of death during service or after retirement whatever the case may be.

By |2024-12-11T05:59:10+00:00October 23rd, 2018|My Achievements|0 Comments

HONORARIA (PUNJAB GOVERNMENT) — A Competent Authority may grant or permit a Government Servant to receive an honorarium from general revenues as remuneration for work performed which is occasional in character and either so laborious or of such special merit as to justify a special reward. Except when special reasons, which should be recorded in writing, exist for a departure from this provision, sanction to the grant of or permission to receive an honorarium should not be given unless the work has been undertaken with the prior consent of the competent authority and its amount has been settled in advance.

By |2023-07-19T05:20:31+00:00October 3rd, 2018|My Achievements|1 Comment

PAY AND ALLOWANCES ON REMOVAL OR DISMISSAL (PUNJAB GOVERNMENT) — RULE 7.1 OF PUNJAB CIVIL SERVICE RULES (CSR) VOL – I — The pay and allowances of a Government servant who is dismissed or removed from service cease from the date of such dismissal or removal. PAY AND ALLOWANCE DURING PERIOD OF SUSPENSION – RULE 7.2 OF PUNJAB CIVIL SERVICE RULES (CSR) VOL – I — A Government Servant under suspension shall remain entitled to the Pay and Allowances that he is drawing immediately before his suspension. Leave may not be granted to a Government servant under suspension. A Government Servant committed to prison either for debts or on criminal charge should be considered as under suspension from the date of his arrest.

By |2023-07-24T04:43:33+00:00August 6th, 2018|My Achievements|0 Comments

JOINING TIME (PUNJAB GOVERNMENT) — Joining time may be granted to a Government Servant to enable him to join a new post to which he is appointed while on duty in his old post or to join a new post, to travel from the port of debarkation or, in the case of arrival by aircraft, from its first regular port in Pakistan and to organise his domestic establishment when he returns from leave out of Pakistan of more than four month’s duration in respect of Government Servants. Joining time, joining time pay and travelling allowance of Government servants appointed to posts under the Punjab Government on the results of a Competitive examination, which is open to both Government servants and others. No joining time is allowed in cases when a Government servant is transferred from one post to another in the same office establishment. A Government servant on transfer during a vacation may be permitted to take joining time at the end of the vacation.

By |2023-07-24T05:03:30+00:00March 29th, 2018|My Achievements|0 Comments

ELIGIBILITY FOR PENSION / FAMILY PENSION (PUNJAB GOVERNMENT) — Good conduct is an implied condition of every kind of pension. Except when the term pension is used in contradistinction to gratuity, pension includes gratuity. Full pension means the amount of ordinary pension admissible including commuted portion of the pension, if any. No pension may be granted to a Government servant dismissed or removed for misconduct, corruption, subversive activities or inefficiency, but, if he deserves special consideration he may be granted a compassionate allowance not exceeding 2/3rd of the pension which would have been admissible to him, had he retired on invalid pension.

By |2024-07-14T05:05:22+00:00March 5th, 2018|My Achievements|1 Comment

DETERMINATION OF SENIORITY (PUNJAB GOVERNMENT) — Seniority is determined in accordance with Section 7 of The Punjab Civil Servants Act, 1974 read with Rule 8 of the Punjab Civil Servants (Appointment & Conditions of Service) Rules, 1974. For proper administration of service or cadre, the Appointing Authority shall from time to time cause a Seniority List of the members of such (service or cadre) to be prepared. Subject to the provisions of sub-section (3) of The Punjab Civil Servants Act, 1974 the seniority of a Civil Servant in relation to other Civil Servants belonging to the same service or cadre whether serving in the same department or office or not, shall be determined in such manner as may be prescribed.

By |2023-07-20T03:32:09+00:00February 22nd, 2018|My Achievements|6 Comments

RECRUITMENT UNDER RULE 17-A (PUNJAB GOVERNMENT) — Whenever a civil servant dies while in service or is declared invalidated / incapacitated for further service, one of his unemployed children or his widow / wife may be employed by the Appointing Authority against a post to be filled under Rules 16 and 17 of the Punjab Civil Servants (Appointment and Conditions of Service) Rules, 1974 for which he / she possesses the prescribed qualification and experience and such child or the widow / wife may be given 10 additional marks in the aggregate by the Public Service Commission or by the appropriate Selection Board or Committee provided he / she otherwise qualifies in the test / examination and / or interview for posts in BS-6 and above.

By |2025-02-13T04:23:48+00:00February 6th, 2018|My Achievements|29 Comments

APPOINTMENT BY PROMOTION, TYPES OF PROMOTION AND APPOINTMENT BY PROMOTION ON OFFICIATING BASIS (PUNJAB GOVERNMENT) — According to Section 8 of the Punjab Civil Servants Act, 1974, a civil servant shall be eligible to be considered for appointment by promotion to a post reserved for promotion in the service or cadre to which he belongs in a manner as may be prescribed; provided that he possesses the prescribed qualifications. Promotion including Proforma Promotion shall not be claimed by any civil servant as of right.

By |2023-07-20T03:58:41+00:00January 18th, 2018|My Achievements|8 Comments