THE SECRETARIAT INSTRUCTIONS, 2004 (FEDERAL GOVERNMENT) — Being instructions issued in pursuance of Rule 5(15) of the Rules of Business, 1973 for the disposal of business in the Federal Secretariat. They shall come into force with immediate effect and shall supersede all previous instructions and orders relating to office procedures not consistent with the provisions of these Instructions. The Secretary shall be the official head of the Ministry / Division and shall be responsible for its efficient administration and discipline. He shall also be responsible for the proper conduct of business allocated to the Division under Rule 3 of the Rules of Business and for the careful observance of these Instructions in his Division. The Secretary shall review the delegation of powers to various officers periodically to ensure maximum delegation of authority for disposal of cases at the initial and middle levels, with an appropriate reporting system to keep him fully informed. A Section Officer shall dispose of all cases where there are clear precedents, and no question of deviation from such precedents is involved or which under the rules or standing orders he is competent to dispose of. In case of doubt he may seek verbal instructions from his senior officer.
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Sir,please guide me about the production of record.How much old record can be produce to any enquiring agency like 1993,1998or more….?