THE BALOCHISTAN CIVIL SERVANTS (SENIORITY) RULES, 2008 — They shall apply to all civil servants of Government of Balochistan. Seniority means the seniority assigned to a civil servant in a seniority list caused by the Appointing Authority to be prepared in accordance to the provisions of Section 8 of the Balochistan Civil Servants Act, 1974 and these rules. The Appointing Authority or the Head of the Department/ Attached Department, as the case may be, after preparation of the Provisional Seniority List as provided hereinabove sub-rule (2) shall with his signatures and designation, issued the same in the forms mentioned in Schedule-I and circulate it amongst all the members of that particular service, cadre or post and call for objections of the aggrieved members and afforded thirty (30) days for filing objections, (if any) from the date of issuance of the Provisional Seniority List. The Seniority List once finalized and notified as provided in sub-rule (4) cannot be re-opened by the same issuing authority.
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Sir, I have sume problem, medical re imbrusment of any, will only scrutinize by DGHealth and avaliablity of budget can we sanctioned it for payment? No2, if I in cotegary have limeted fower of any head, can I write to my emediat officer in category ii for sanction budget out of my own budget?