THE BALOCHISTAN CIVIL SERVANTS (APPOINTMENT, PROMOTION AND TRANSFER) RULES, 2009 — Appointing Authority in relation to a post, means the person authorised under rule 4 to make appointment to that post. Departmental Promotion Committee means a Committee constituted for making selection for promotion to such posts under a Department or office of Government in basic pay scales 16 and below or equivalent. Departmental Selection Committee means a Committee constituted for the purpose of making selection for initial appointment to post under a Department or office of Government in basic pay scales 15 and below or equivalent. The method of appointment and the qualification and other conditions applicable to a post shall be as laid down by the Department concerned in consultation with the Services and General Administration Department [on the recommendations of the Service Rules Sub Committee or on the recommendations of the Service Rules Main Committee whenever the case referred by the Service Rules Sub Committee]. For the purpose of selection for appointment by promotion or transfer to post in BPS-17 and above or equivalent and such posts as may be notified by Government, the Government may constitute one or more than one Provincial Selection Board consisting of not less than five members, one of whom shall be nominated as Chairman and one as Member / Secretary to the Board.
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Sir, I appointed as a Constable in disable quota in district Mirpurkhas. I have qualified 26 years service. I had preferred an appeal for promotion but authority rejected it, with the remarks that I have not qualified departmental examination, whenever my qualification BA. LLB. PLEASE HELP ME BY GIVING RULES FOR THE PROMOTION OF DISABLE GOVERNMENT SERVANT.