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RATES OF FAMILY PENSION, MINIMUM FAMILY PENSION AND MINIMUM PENSION (PUNJAB GOVERNMENT) — According to Rule 4.4(1) of the Punjab Civil Services Pension Rules, no full pension (inclusive of increases in and indexation of pension sanctioned from time to time) shall be less than Rs.300/- per month and the family pension granted under clauses (a) and (b) of Sub-Rule (3) of Rule 4.6 of the Punjab Civil Services Pension Rules, shall not be less than Rs.150/- per month which was increased by the government of the Punjab from time to time.

By |2023-10-05T04:26:26+00:00September 28th, 2020|My Achievements|3 Comments

COMPILATION OF THE FUNDAMENTAL RULES AND SUPPLEMENTARY RULES (GOVERNMENT OF PAKISTAN, FINANCE DIVISION) VOLUME I & II. APPENDICES AND FORMS UPDATED EDITION 2018 — The Fundamental Rules and Supplementary Rules (FR&SR) define and determine the financial terms and conditions of Government employees like pay, allowances, leave and travelling allowances etc. Updated Edition 2018 incorporates all the amendments authorized in the Rules upto may, 2018.

By |2023-07-14T03:22:40+00:00September 22nd, 2020|Federal|1 Comment

THE RIGHT OF ACCESS TO INFORMATION ACT, 2017 (FEDERAL GOVERNMENT) — It shall apply to all public bodies of the Federal Government. It shall come into force at once. Information Commission means the Pakistan Commission on Access to Information established in accordance with Section 18. Information means information based on record. National Security means the matters pertaining to the integrity, security or defence of Pakistan or any part thereof. Record means a public record as defined in Section 6. Right of access to information means the right of access to information accessible under this Act which is held by or under the control of any public body and includes the right of access to information, documents or record in digital or printed form, as the case may be.

By |2023-07-17T04:10:32+00:00August 25th, 2020|Federal|0 Comments

SCHEDULE OF ESTABLISHMENT OF PUNJAB LOCAL FUND AUDIT DEPARTMENT — Establishment of 148 Nos. of Resident Audit & Accounts Schemes of Local Fund Audit Department, Punjab for LGs established under PLGA, 2019. These Resident Audit & Accounts Schemes will be headed by the officers of Local Fund Audit Department in the manner prescribed as per Schedule of Establishment. Establishment of Resident Audit Schemes for Fort Munro Development Authority (FMDA), D.G. khan, Gujranwala Development Authority (GDA+WASA), Gujranwala and Sargodha Development Authority (SDA), Sargodha and for Schedule of Establishment of Local Fund Audit Department (Provincial / Divisional Directorates / LGs / Development Authorities / WASA / PLGB, TEPA) by re-allocating existing permanent cadre strength without abolishing and / or creating any post. Sanction is further accorded to withdraw functions of M&I from Divisional Directorates and placing M&I wing with Provincial Directorate, LFA, Punjab.

By |2023-07-17T04:13:07+00:00July 22nd, 2020|Punjab|0 Comments