A MANUAL ON TRAVELLING ALLOWANCE RULES (FEDERAL GOVERNMENT) — Travelling Allowance is a kind of compensatory allowance granted to meet personal expenditure necessitated by the special circumstances in which duty is performed. Actual Travelling Expenses means the actual cost of transporting a Government servant with his domestic servants and personal luggage, including charges for ferry and other tools and for carriage of camp equipment, if necessary. It does not include charges for hotels, travellers bungalows or refreshments, tips and expenses on breakage of crockery and furniture, etc. In the case of officers who are allowed to draw the whole or a part of their pension in addition to pay, the T.A. admissible will be determined with reference to pay plus pension subject to the condition that only such portion of the pension will be taken into account for this purpose as, together with the pay, does not exceed the maximum pay of the post.
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I opointed province govt to federal govt through proper channel i am eligible for TA DA if yes kindly help m with rule no
I am employee in Punjab Health Department and availed 4 years study leave. during study leave I have drawn conveyance Allowance by submitting No boarding certificate by the University. Now department want to recover said allowance. please guide and inform me about what to do on myself.
I have been retired from Punjab Govt. service w.e.f 15.11.2020 on attaining the age of superannuation while posted in Lahore.I submitted my TA Bill on retirement to the AG, Punjab office for disbursement in the month of June,2021.My place of domicile is Multan. Therefore, the concerned office did not pass my bill , objecting that my CNIC have the temporary & permanent address of Lahore city.Please help me in this regard.