MATERNITY / PATERNITY LEAVE (PUNJAB GOVERNMENT) — A female civil servant may, for the maximum period of ninety days, be granted maternity leave with full pay outside her leave account, at any time, immediately before or after the birth of a child and she shall not be required to provide fitness certificate for purposes of joining duties after such leave. Such leave may not be granted for more than three times in the entire service of a female civil servant except in the case of a female civil servant employed in a vacation department who may be granted maternity leave without this restriction. A male civil servant may, for a maximum period of seven days, be granted paternity leave on full pay outside his leave account on or immediately before the birth of his child, Provided that such leave shall be admissible only for two times during the entire service.
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1: – does maternity leave can be cancelled?
2:- if a lady is on maternity leave, during her maternity leave she is transfer to an other distt. what the procedure will she adopted?
Plz tell me what is peternity leave procedure for federal and sindh govt emplyees.
plz send me sindh govt notification .thanking you
A.A sir
Can contract employees of Punjab avail paternity leave, please guide.
Sir what are maternity leave policy for contract employees??it’s urgent sir plz guide me thanks
paternity Leave 10 days or 7 days Govt. of Punjab please explained