ALLOTMENT POLICY OF S&GAD, 1997, AMENDED UPTO 2018 (PUNJAB GOVERNMENT) — This policy will supersede all previous letters / instructions / policy governing the allotment of Government owned residential accommodation issued from time to time. Only the Government servants posted at the Principal Seat, Lahore High Court, Lahore, Punjab Civil Secretariat i.e. borne on the cadre strength of S&GAD and Provincial Assembly of Punjab, posted at Lahore, are eligible for allotment of Government owned accommodation. A Government servant who is transferred out of Lahore or out of the institutions referred above will lose his eligibility after expiry of the period for which he or his family can retain possession of the residential accommodation. In case of non-availability of Government accommodation for allotment, the employees of Punjab Civil Secretariat, borne at the cadre strength of S&GAD, shall be entitled for the facility of House Requisition as per their entitlement, after obtaining an eligibility certificate issued by the Estate Office, S&GAD through approval of the Additional Secretary (Welfare), S&GAD.

By |2023-11-18T03:23:34+00:00January 29th, 2019|Punjab|3 Comments

ENGAGEMENT OF LEGAL ADVISORS AND SPECIAL ADVOCATES BY STATUTORY / AUTONOMOUS BODIES UNDER THE ADMINISTRATIVE CONTROL OF THE GOVERNMENT OF THE PUNJAB — Government means Government of the Punjab in the Law & Parliamentary Affairs Department. Legal Advisor means an Advocate appointed, on part-time basis, in accordance with these instructions, and includes a senior legal advisor. Special advocate means a special advocate appointed for any particular case in accordance with these instructions. No person shall be appointed as legal Advisor unless he is enrolled as an advocate of High Court and has been actively practicing as advocate for a period of not less than five years immediately before the last date fixed for the receipt of applications for appointment as a legal advisor.

By |2023-07-19T05:14:35+00:00January 21st, 2019|Punjab|1 Comment

THE PUNJAB (CIVIL SERVICES) DELEGATION OF POWERS RULES, 1983 — They shall come into force with immediate effect. The authorities competent to transfer, suspend and take other disciplinary action against a Government servant shall have the powers indicated in Appendix B in respect of the Government servants whom they are competent to transfer, suspend or take other disciplinary action. The authorities declared as controlling officers by the administrative department shall have the powers of controlling officers in respect of civil servants for whom they have been declared as such.

By |2023-07-19T05:15:57+00:00January 14th, 2019|Punjab|1 Comment

THE PUNJAB TRANSPARENCY AND RIGHT TO INFORMATION ACT 2013 — It extends to the whole of the Punjab. It shall come into force at once. Information means any information held by a public body and includes any memo, book, design, map, contract, representation, pamphlet, brochure, order, notification, document, plans, letter, report, accounts statement, project proposal, photograph, audio, video, drawing, film, any instrument prepared through electronic process, machine-readable documents and any other documentary material regardless of its physical form or characteristics.

By |2023-09-16T03:57:21+00:00November 22nd, 2018|Punjab|3 Comments

THE PUNJAB REGULARIZATION OF SERVICE ACT, 2018 — Subject to the Act, it shall apply to all the persons employed on contract in a department immediately before the commencement of the Act. Contract Employee means an eligible person appointed on contract in a department immediately before the commencement of the Act but does not include a person appointed to a post in a project, programme, project management unit, project management office, time bound (one-time) development activity or as work-charged employee or an employee on daily wages. Regularization means the appointment of an eligible contract employee on regular basis in accordance with the Act.

By |2023-07-19T05:47:12+00:00August 13th, 2018|Punjab|5 Comments

THE PUNJAB GOVERNMENT SERVANTS (CONDUCT) RULES, 1966 — These rules apply to all persons, whether on duty or on leave, within or without Punjab, serving in connection with the affairs of the Province of Punjab, including the employees of the Provincial Government deputed to serve (under the Central Government or) with a Statutory Corporation or with a non-Government employer. No Government servant shall encourage meetings to be held in his honour or presentation of addresses of which the main purpose is to praise him. No Government servant shall, except with the previous sanction of Government, ask for or accept or in any way participate in the raising of any subscription or other pecuniary assistance in pursuance of any object whatsoever.

By |2024-05-04T04:21:27+00:00March 13th, 2018|Punjab|0 Comments

GOVERNMENT OF THE PUNJAB, MANUAL OF SECRETARIAT INSTRUCTIONS, 2023 — They shall come into force at once and shall supersede all existing instructions and orders relating to office procedures not consistent with the provisions of this Manual. The Secretariat shall consist of the Departments included in First Schedule of the Rules of Business, 2011, and the distribution of business amongst the Departments shall be as indicated in Second Schedule of the said Rules. 

By |2023-11-11T03:09:44+00:00January 30th, 2018|Punjab|0 Comments