THE PUNJAB LOCAL FUND AUDIT (LFA) MANUAL — One day, I received an E-mail from the office of the Provincial Directorate, Local Fund Audit, Lahore. When I downloaded the attached file / document, I found that it was Punjab Local Fund Audit Manual. While going through its contents, I was surprised rather shocked that it was a ditto copy of the Revised Edition (1976) of the Office Manual which was printed in 1977 and a very important page containing the names of genius officers of Local Fund Audit Department who helped the then Provincial Director in the preparation of Revised Edition of the Office Manual such as “PREFACE” was missing. Many of my colleagues approached and requested me to update the Office Manual because after it’s printing in 1977, the organizational set up of the Punjab Local Fund Audit Department has entirely changed. Keeping in view that majority of the staff of the Punjab Local Fund Audit Department are not aware of the changes in the organizational set up of the Department, therefore, I for the convenience of such employees, decided at my own to take this responsibility because it is a need of the time to give and incorporate all the changes and amendments made by the Government of the Punjab from 1976 to 2016. On the basis of my experience in the Provincial Headquarter, I have been able to update the Office Manual by incorporating almost all the changes. It would not be out of place to mention here that I have composed and typed all the pages myself.
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