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THE PUNJAB LOCAL GOVERNMENT ACT, 2022 — This Act shall extend to whole of the Punjab except the areas notified as cantonments under the Cantonments Ordinance, 2002 (CXXXVII of 2002), or such other areas under active possession and direct control of the Armed Forces of Pakistan that may be notified by the Government for this purpose and the area exempted by the Government from any or all of the provisions of this Act through a notification in the official Gazette. This Act shall come into force at once.

By |2022-11-30T04:07:35+00:00November 30th, 2022|LG&CD|0 Comments

THE PUNJAB LOCAL GOVERNMENT (AMENDMENT) ORDINANCE, 2021 — It shall come into force at once. It shall extend to the whole of the Punjab other than the areas notified as cantonments under the Cantonments Act, 1924 (ii of 1924), or the Cantonments Ordinance, 2002 (CXXXVII of 2002), and such other areas under active possession and direct control of the Armed Forces of Pakistan that may be notified by the Government for this purpose, and the Government may exempt or exclude any area or areas from any or all of the provisions of the Act through a notification in the official Gazette.

By |2023-07-14T03:32:27+00:00February 9th, 2021|LG&CD|0 Comments

THE PUNJAB LOCAL GOVERNMENTS (PERFORMANCE EVALUATION REPORTS OF OFFICERS / OFFICIALS) RULES, 2018 — They shall extend to all Local Governments except the District Education Authorities and District Health Authorities in the Punjab. Report means Performance Evaluation Report of the officers and officials posted in the Local Government and servants of the Local Government, on the forms prescribed by the Government for civil servants. The instructions for the purpose of writing the Performance Evaluation Report forms issued by the Government from time to time shall be followed while writing the reports of officers and officials posted in a Local Government and the servants of a Local Government.

By |2021-01-15T15:00:48+00:00February 1st, 2019|LG&CD|0 Comments

THE PUNJAB LOCAL GOVERNMENT SERVICE (APPOINTMENT AND CONDITIONS OF SERVICE) RULES, 2018 –– There shall be a Service to be called as the Local Governments Service for the members but shall not include the employees of the Union Councils and District Authorities. The method of recruitment, minimum qualification, age limit and other matters shall be such as are given in the schedule. An initial recruitment to a post shall be made on the basis of examination or test and interview conducted by the Board or such other recruitment agency as approved by the Board, after advertisement of the vacancies in more than one daily national newspaper of wide circulation.

By |2023-07-24T04:56:10+00:00July 13th, 2018|LG&CD|0 Comments

THE PUNJAB LOCAL GOVERNMENTS (WORKS) RULES, 2017 — They shall come into force at once. They shall apply to the Local Governments, except the District Education Authority, District Health Authority and Union Councils established under the Punjab Local Government Act, 2013. Work means a construction work, consisting of erection, assembly, repair, renovation or demolition of a building or structure or part thereof for site preparation, excavation, installation of equipment or materials and decoration and finishing and includes incidental services such as drilling, mapping, satellite photography, seismic investigations and similar other activities, if the value of those services does not exceed the total value of the work.

By |2023-07-18T03:19:20+00:00July 14th, 2017|LG&CD|0 Comments

THE PUNJAB LOCAL GOVERNMENTS (CONTRACT) RULES, 2017 — They shall come into force at once. They rules shall apply to all the Local Governments, except the District Education Authority, District Health Authority. Contract means an agreement enforceable at law. Contractor means a person entering into a contract with a Mayor or Chairman or any office duly authorized by the Mayor or Chairman on behalf of the Local Government. No contract shall be binding on a Local Government unless it is made in conformity with the provisions of these rules and any other law for the time being in force in this behalf. A formal deed of agreement for every contract, after observing the procedure specified in the relevant rules, shall be executed between the local Government by the concerned Mayor or Chairman or an officer authorized by the Mayor or Chairmen and the contractor.

By |2023-07-18T03:23:18+00:00June 15th, 2017|LG&CD|0 Comments

THE PUNJAB DISTRICT AUTHORITIES (DELEGATION OF FINANCIAL POWERS) RULES, 2017 — They shall come into force at once. The Administrative Department means the School Education Department of the Government in respect of the District Education Authorities and the Primary & Secondary Healthcare Department of the Government in respect of District Health Authorities. The authorities specified in column 3 of Second Schedule shall exercise the powers to the extent given in column 4, in respect of the items mentioned in column 2 thereof. No authority shall accord sanction resulting directly or indirectly for its own advantage. The powers delegated under these rules shall not be further delegated.

By |2023-07-18T03:35:20+00:00May 23rd, 2017|LG&CD|1 Comment

THE PUNJAB LOCAL GOVERNMENT ADVERTISEMENTS BYE-LAWS, 2017 — Advertisement includes advertisements displayed, placed on the roads, green belts or verges or private or Government premises, shops, houses, hospitals, educational institutions, petrol pumps, fences, vehicles, balloons streamers, posters, banners or any other thing placed, painted, pasted or installed and visible from a public place and is intended to inform the viewer of the availability of a service, product or outlet. Advertising substance includes trivisions, neon signs, hoardings, billboards, cutouts, pole signs, sky signs, directional boards, banners, streamers, moppy signs, LED screens, temporary advertisement structures, posters, one way vision stickers, temporary publicity stalls, hot-air balloon, blimp and moving vehicle. Banners means publicity material comprising cloth, flex or parachute installed temporarily with ropes for purposes of advertisement in a horizontal direction. Billboard / hoarding means a publicity board made of MS sheet on iron poles or girders fixed independently on a structure other than a building façade.

By |2023-07-18T03:43:50+00:00April 5th, 2017|LG&CD|0 Comments